SciatiLab™ Brace
SciatiLab™ Brace
SciatiLab™ Brace
SciatiLab™ Brace
SciatiLab™ Brace
SciatiLab™ Brace
SciatiLab™ Brace
SciatiLab™ Brace
SciatiLab™ Brace
SciatiLab™ Brace
SciatiLab™ Brace
SciatiLab™ Brace
SciatiLab™ Brace
SciatiLab™ Brace
SciatiLab™ Brace
SciatiLab™ Brace

"I suffer from severe sciatica. Runs from my lower back to my thigh, calf, and even foot. This thing helped me so much! I’m able to sit up on my butt and paint. I’m able to walk around better, stand up & cook without discomfort! Life saver."

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ - Margaret C., USA

"Back feels so much better immediately upon putting it on. Tighten it up and keep it on a few hours. It makes a huge difference in my day and in my life. Can't say enough good things about it. Just GREAT"
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ - Catherine H. USA

SciatiLab™ Brace


Struggling with sciatica?

The SciatiLab™ Brace will eliminate sciatica, lower back pain, or groin pain in just a few hours, or your money back guaranteed!

  • Eliminate sciatica pain the healthy way (no more painkillers)
  • Avoid expensive chiropractor bills
  • Flexible, breathable and non-slip unlike other hip braces
  • One-size-fits-all, can be worn on either right or left leg

Order today for:

- Free Shipping
- Free Sciatica eBook with every purchase (valued at $19.95) 


Professionally Recommended To Treat:


Lower Back Pain

Groin Pain


Lower Back Pain

Hip Pain

Hamstring Injury

Piriformis Syndrome

Groin Pain

Hip Pain



Loved By 20,000+ Happy Customers ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Naturally Eliminate Sciatica

If you’re struggling with sciatica, and have tried other alternatives, this may be the most important page you read.

Chances are, you’ve tried everything to manage your pain: ice packs, stretching, harmful painkillers, chiropractors, overpriced physical therapy, maybe even invasive and risky surgery.

Unfortunately, none of those “solutions” have offered the expected results. And you’re left frustrated and seemingly out of options.

You begin to blame yourself. Your mood drops and friends and loved ones begin seeing real hopelessness in your eyes. But let us tell you something, you are not to blame!

These common alternatives target the symptoms of sciatica, and can even temporarily mask the pain… But long-term do more damage than good. You need a solution that targets the root cause of sciatica and you’re in the right place.

Breakthrough Discovery

After 3 years of prototypes and $117,000 spent in laboratory testing, we created the SciatiLab™ Brace.

We stumbled upon the breakthrough combination of:

-Targeted medical neo compression
-Quadratus Lumborum muscle stimulation
-SI Joint stabilisation

Targeting all three elements of sciatica pain was the secret sauce that has resulted in thousands of customers experiencing pain relief.

It’s incredibly simple to use, and delivers relief from sciatica pain in just 2 hours of use per day.

You can finally get back to living again.

Breakthrough Discovery

After 3 years of prototypes and $117,000 spent in laboratory testing, we created the SciatiLab™ Brace.

We stumbled upon the breakthrough combination of:

-Targeted medical neo compression
-Quadratus Lumborum muscle stimulation
-SI Joint stabilisation

Targeting all three elements of sciatica pain was the secret sauce that has resulted in thousands of customers experiencing pain relief.

It’s incredibly simple to use, and delivers relief from sciatica pain in just 2 hours of use per day.

You can finally get back to living again.

78% More Effective In Eliminating Pain

This breakthrough combination causes the deep muscles in the back to reset, and return to their natural position, which allows them to take over for your spine.

That's what allows your compressed discs to open and relax.

Because of the unique neo compression technology, your hip & leg area will get flooded with nutrient and oxygen rich blood, this triggers the body's self-healing mechanism.

The result is instant relief from sciatica, hip pain, and groin pain, and a device 78% more effective than the leading competitor.

With consistent use damage is reversed, providing long-lasting relief from sciatica pain.

Amazing Benefits

  • Relief from sciatica, lower back pain, hip pain, groin pain & piriformis syndrome
  • Perfect for post surgery recovery
  • Reverses damage
  • Warms up & lubricates the joints for a pain-free day
  • Amazing for athletic recovery
  • Helps you get back hiking, cycling & jogging pain-free
  • Increases mood
  • Helps to avoid risky & dangerous surgery
  • Can be used on either right, or left leg
  • Saves time & money on inferior alternatives

Amazing Benefits

  • Relief from sciatica, lower back pain, hip pain, groin pain & piriformis syndrome
  • Perfect for post surgery recovery
  • Reverses damage
  • Warms up & lubricates the joints for a pain-free day
  • Amazing for athletic recovery
  • Helps you get back hiking, cycling & jogging pain-free
  • Increases mood
  • Helps to avoid risky & dangerous surgery
  • Can be used on either right, or left leg
  • Saves time & money on inferior alternatives

Damage Reversing

When muscles are stressed and contracted, they choke off their own blood supply, causing damage and impacting their ability to heal.

When you wear the SciatiLab™ Brace, it causes a release in muscular tension and a flood of nutrient rich blood to the hip, lower back, and leg area.

This aids in recovery and can reverse significant damage. This results in long term relief from sciatica, back pain, hip pain, groin pain, and muscular soreness.

Real Success Stories

Stop letting neck pain dictate your life, take action and join our pain-free customers today!

A Fantastic Quality of Life Awaits

Rather than tell you what life could be like with the SciatiLab™ Brace, read this email from one of our customer’s, Amy:

“Even my husband is noticing. Not only did he say my mood and energy has increased but we now enjoy regular weekend hiking and biking trips together.

Especially when hiking, I have been experiencing mobility that I could only imagine feeling in my college days and the SciatiLab™ Brace is to thank for that.

On top of it, you would be surprised about how feeling secure about your body and in a positive mood really helps your marriage! Even my kids are always asking "how does mom have so much energy?" I truly love the person I am becoming for myself and my family!”

If you are looking to get some help with your stubborn pains - I would say without a doubt this is the best way to help you achieve it.

A Fantastic Quality of Life Awaits

Rather than tell you what life could be like with the SciatiLab™ Brace, read this email from one of our customer’s, Amy:

“Even my husband is noticing. Not only did he say my mood and energy has increased but we now enjoy regular weekend hiking and biking trips together.

Especially when hiking, I have been experiencing mobility that I could only imagine feeling in my college days and the SciatiLab™ Brace is to thank for that.

On top of it, you would be surprised about how feeling secure about your body and in a positive mood really helps your marriage! Even my kids are always asking "how does mom have so much energy?" I truly love the person I am becoming for myself and my family!”

If you are looking to get some help with your stubborn pains - I would say without a doubt this is the best way to help you achieve it.

Real Success Stories

We're Getting Noticed!

Tired Of Reading? Here’s A Message From Our Founder, Daniel:

My name’s Daniel, and I’m one of the co-founders at Dainely. When new customers come across the site, the same questions routinely get asked.

So, I decided to answer them in this video, and explain a little bit more about our product.

Watch to find out more! 

BONUS: Order Today and Receive Sciatica Pain eBook

Normally valued at $19.95, our sciatica pain eBook comes free with every purchase.

Revealed Inside:

1. The 8 best exercises for sciatica pain chiropractors don't want you to know about!

2. How to use guide for your SciatiLab™ Brace

**Offer valid today only**